Mayer Guitars

Mayer guitars

Is the brain child of Remco mayer He has been a luthier and repair guy for many years in Brisbane australia.

With his Howl sale company Crossroad guitars he has supplied the Australian music market with many musical instruments

coolio mayer logoBrands like

Vintage guitars
,Flaxwood guitars. Eigenharp .Lightwave basses , Big bends,

Over time he thought it would be time to start building and selling his own brand of guitars and not some one else s product .

And naturally this would form Mayer Guitars a brand that has its goal to build high Quality guitars with a Kick of innovation .

Ldt neck joint ( Long deep tenon neck joint)
witch reaches all the way under the bridge of the guitar that way the vibration that is created in the neck will travel much longer and there for gives more sustain and a over all more complex tone
(it's like you have a Neck true guitar but then the neck can be easy replaced with a different one )

A Other Innovation he has on his guitars

Is the To easy contour Neck

A normal guitar neck has a round circle like shape at the back of the neck.

The To easy contour Neck  has stepped away from that design and we came up with a flat surface that follows your hand all the way along the neck the flat surface turns away from its center point starting at the Nut  close to the low E string it slowly turns away to the 17 High E fret .

What are the benefits of a guitar neck shape like this the thicker the neck is the more tone and sustain it will produce  and it will be easy on your hands as you have some thing to hold on,

But a thick neck is not  easy to play and many  players turn away from it but now with this  New design we think we have made it so that the neck still has a lot of mass but has the feel of a thin neck


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to easy neck contour
to easy neck contour
to easy neck contour
to easy neck contour
Ldt neck
Ldt neck
J&J model with little thunder pickup
J&J model with little thunder pickup
J&J glow in the dark
J&J glow in the dark
J&J model ocean finger board
J&J model ocean finger board
KP model



Brisbane,custom guitars, high quality guitars,